The Next Generation
The PTIS Future of Packaging™ team is building plans now for our next Future of Packaging™ Program, coming in 2025.
We stand at a moment of fast-emerging transformations, including new societal thinking & more global and domestic pressures, new material development, material recovery, transformational issues like climate change & microplastics, the digitization of packaging, and new business practices. Packaging can meet the challenge of these sweeping changes if its leaders harness the power of foresight and strategy development, understand emerging change, explore future challenges and opportunities, and concretize plans to arrive at a successful future. That future will look different, and succeeding in it requires Horizon 3 – transformational thinking to develop packaging for the Next Generation.
Now is the time to start thinking about what you want your packaging organization to be in 2035!

What is the Future of Packaging™ Program?
The PTIS Future of Packaging™ program (FoP) is a multi-sponsor program that explores the long-term future of packaging across the value chain with implications for action today and the years ahead. While no one “predicts” the future, foresight helps anticipate risks, challenges and opportunities, and be prepared for them before they arise.
PTIS has produced and facilitated this collaborative program since 2004, serving dozens of leading organizations across the value chain as sponsors, with many as repeat participants.
We are now offering our next program, to commence in early 2025. As you build into new opportunities for the 2030s in a changed world, the work in understanding the Future of Packaging is only more critical for packaging organizations.
What’s the same this time, what’s different?
The FOP program format has been revised for 2025. It will now consist of:
- An Introductory webinar (Spring) – We’ll get everyone on the same page to understand what FoP is and why it matters. Learn the different tools and models we’ll be using at the workshop
- Workshop at your location – The live, private workshop where we cover all the topics, breakout with scenarios, and develop FoP tailored to you. Bring up to 25 participants at your location (live/virtual)
- Top Insights webinar – We compile and share the Top Program Insights as well as a packaging story that ties it all together along with a Senior Leader Summary
The format will allow you to expose more team members to the foresight thinking at FoP and bring in a more cross functional team. The workshop program will also incorporate the Critical Insight Download (CID) breakouts to
gather your team thinking on short and long term company implications.
Our promise is to equip you with the insights and ways of thinking so you can do that not just successfully, but so that your organization can thrive.
With so much uncertainty, what can you do now?
- Start your journey to your future success by envisioning your preferred future
- Build plans to withstand alternative possible futures.
- Build plans that are robust and successful against multiple post-pandemic outcomes and be ready for the next generation of packaging. Many of the past sponsors have and continue to use the proprietary Future of Packaging Program as a means to help their company leverage the roadmaps to shape the future of packaging within their organization.
FOP - The Next Generation
The power and potential of:
- Global Big Picture for 2035
- Science & Technology & Major
- Transformations & Disruptions
- Next generation AI & Role in Packaging
- Global Packaging Thought Leader
- Survey Results (Proprietary Content)
- Laws & Regulations
- Role of Plastic in the Future
In summary, what is next for the world of packaging and how to get there.
Join the PTIS Future of Packaging™ to:
- Understand how the forces shaping packaging today and tomorrow will influence your business
- Get early warning of longer-term changes that you must strategize for
- Face the future, knowledgeable and prepared
About the Program:
- Open to raw material suppliers, packaging converters, brand owners, equipment providers & retailers
- New program workshop format – we come to your organization and
present the Future of Packaging
Become a Sponsor!
Contact a leading PTIS principal for more information or to join!